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Led by Chairman Ken Miller, changing zoning, attempts at "Spot Zoning" and other deceptive activities are the norm

When they get caught, they just change the zoning

On Monday, December 12, at 7:30 pm, the West Vincent Supervisors will have a Township meeting. At that meeting, they are poised to review and take public comment on the latest Zoning updates. One of the updates, nicknamed by some as the Pam Brown Corrective Ordinance, is one where Clare Quinn's friend and co-worker Pam Brown (did I mention that Pam is the Conservation Director at French and Pickering?) is slated to make a serious change. Clare Quinn has stated why zoning is sometimes changed in this video:
What is that change you might ask?  Read more....

If they just slip a special meeting in, maybe nobody will notice


With 3 1/2  business days to go, The Pam Brown Corrective Ordinance SPECIAL MEETING was just announced on the Township Website NewsFlash/Upcoming Activities sidebar section Wednesday mid-afternoon. No mention at the last MEETING about this upcoming "Special Meeting". I think they are hoping that not many people will know about it and will not therefore go to the meeting.   It will be best (for them) if this Ordinance can be discussed without too much opinion from the voters.   Remember the misinformation the residents have been given (remember the "typos" that were paragraph changes?) and that fact that the Supervisors "hadn't read it" yet were about to sign it into law?  Read more.....

The Supervisors insisted that the oversized house was legal, so why did they change the Zoning?

After the Board of Supervisors argued time and again that a oversized house (by the zoning calculations) built on preserved ground (development rights paid for with YOUR $102,000 tax dollars) was completely within the zoning, they pushed though an ordinance nicknamed “The Pam Brown Ordinance”, after the owner of the property. In an article written by the Daily Local News on April 16, 2012, it states the following:


“Township supervisors, however, call the criticism a non-issue and note the ordinance was adopted long after the land-use approvals were granted to the homeowner.


And because no one objected four years ago, the matter is irrelevant today, township officials say.”


One, that ordinance was NOT adopted BEFORE the approvals, a blatant lie. Two, No one knew how big the house would be because nobody could see the house until it was built. That is why residents are told there are Zoning and Building Inspectors, to PROTECT the public and enforce the law. Unless you are one of Ken Miller's supporters. Here is the article:


And here is the discussion with a resident in which they deny there was a problem:

So why did they change the ordinance if what was done was legal? Because it wasn't. This new ordinance simply protects her if the issue went to court. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the very definition of “SPECIAL TREATMENT”.


Supervisor David Brown claims that "a fair reading of the (covenant) language makes it pretty clear that Pam retained the right that any landowner has, of constructing accessory dwellings...".  Really? Here is the agreement. It says exactly the opposite. Read the entire section:








She sold ALL of her Development rights, therefore no other dwelling could be built,even an accessory dwelling. Would you like to see the entire document? Here it is.

Perhaps they can just sneak the use in a Residential area by "Spot Zoning"

So this nice guy named Kevin Miller is a little upset.  Mostly because he says he never received a written notice of this proposed use and how is that possible?  Was it just an innocent "oops" that they skipped notifying this property owner? Wasn’t anything posted at the property in question for people to see?  Are there innocent oopsie daisies in West Vincent?  If only a couple of properties within this little stretch were being zoned commercial is that spot zoning?  (I am not a planner or land use specialist or zoning guru, so I am just asking.)

Here is the e-mail this nice man sent to his supervisors: Read More......



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