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In November of 2011, Ken Miller and his faithful colleagues Zoe Perkins and Clare Quinn passed a resolution of Eminent Domain, seizing the 33 acre tract of ground on Pottstown Pike (RT 100) owned by the Ludwig's Corner Horse Show Association. The plan had been in the works for many years, according to Clare Quinn. Ken Miller stated that it was going to be a combination of playing fields and equestrian activities. To get horse owners support, he told them it would only be for equestrian purposes. True to the way Ken Miller works, he tells you what you want to hear and by the time you figure out he lied, it's too late. He got what he needed, whether it is your vote or just your support for a project of his. To see the real Ken Miller, sit down and watch this 2 hour video. When it is over, you wouldn't vote for Ken Miller to take out your garbage. This is the real Ken Miller.







Eminent Domain Speech by Congressman Andy Dinniman

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