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Ken Miller has a temper and thinks nothing of abusing people in public. Especially when they are are questioning his motives or suggesting something that he doesn't want to do. In short, Ken Miller is a BULLY.

6 years ago, local businessman Rich Malasics (Eagle Hardware) ran against Ken Miller for Supervisor. It was a close Primary and Rich lost by 3 votes. The Miller campaign set up a viscious verbal smear campaign, including stating the Rich was a 2 time DWI offender, yet Rich rarely drinks and has never had a DWI. It was said that he wasn't allowed around children "for some reason", yet he works with the Boy Scouts and has to comply with background checks. They claimed he had anger issues, when the only one with anger issues is Ken Miller. Miller's campaign created an entire fictional package to destroy the campaign a successful local businessman with integrity that would have been an asset to the municipality.  The accusations were rampant and untrue but the truth doesn't matter to Ken Miller, only winning does. 


Click on the link, take a look at Ken Miller's conduct and be appalled. This is:



Chris Peeples is a local guy that  has lived in the Township his entire life. Like most, he is not politically astute and had some questions about the Township administration, developments and the road conditions. During his address to the the Board of Supervisors, he suggested that "maybe one day", Ken Miller would sell his farm, as many farmers do. After all, that is their retirement. Ken Miller proceeded to abuse Mr. Peeples. This is not uncommon and could be you he attacks next:



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